MARKING 1,000 days since the Chibok schoolgirls were abducted from their hostel in Borno State, the #BringBackOurGirls #BBOG movement, on Tuesday, said it would resume a 24-hour daily sit-out to mark what it termed Global Week Of Action.”
It said its usual sit-out venue would also be moved from the Unity Fountain to the State House, starting from Sunday, January 8, to Saturday January 14.
In a statement made available to newsmen in Abuja and signed by the movement’s conveners, Aisha Yesufu and Oby Ezekwesili, it expressed worries that after the release of 21 Chibok girls by the Boko Haram terrorists last year, the Federal Government had again, relaxed.
“Our Movement is justifiably worried that the Nigerian government has, once again, relapsed to the same complacency, lethargy and inertia that has been recurrent on this tragedy.
“What else explains the fact that despite all assurances that another 83 of our Chibok girls were under negotiation for release soonest there has been no further communication on the status of their release?,” the movement said.
It also pointed out that the government had recently contradicted itself with the recent declaration and celebration of capture of Sambisa Forest as the end of the war.
This action, it stated, “is contrary to the pledge that the president and the military made repeatedly on several occasions that they would not declare victory without the rescue of our Chibok girls and all other abducted victims of terrorist abduction.
“With no additional rescue of any of our Chibok girls since October 13, 2016, what conclusion should parents, the Chibok community, our movement, the Nigerian public and the world at large draw from the fact that our president and military are celebrating the capture of Sambisa ‘Camp Zero,’ the same stronghold in which it stated the girls were held and the 21 released were released from in October?.”
However, it explained that unlike its other global weeks of action carried out over the last 30 months of its advocacy, the #Day1,000 version in Abuja would be themed along various issues related to the #ChibokGirls.