Renowned prophetess Dr. Margaret Mayaki’s prophetic insight on the conflict between Israel and Hamas, as revealed in December 2022, has remarkably come to pass. In a profound message, she conveyed the Lord’s words concerning the tensions in the Middle East, emphasizing the importance of prayer and peace for the region.
The prophecy issued by Prophetess Dr. Margaret Mayaki in December 2022 stated: “Israel, my land, says the Lord. Pray that there will not be a gang-up against Israel. Pray against the increase in the aggression of Palestinians against Israel. God is saying there will be new discoveries made in Israel that will advance the world. Pray against internal unrest in the country.”
These prophetic words have been validated, reflecting the ongoing crisis and recent developments within the region.
Prophetess Dr. Margaret Mayaki, in her devout ministry, also accurately prophesied the transitions of both Prince Philip and Her Majesty the Queen of England, as well as the unrest in France earlier in 2023. Her prophetic gift has brought clarity and understanding to the world during times of significant global events.
Prophetess Dr. Margaret Mayaki is globally recognized for her unwavering dedication to spreading the divine message and promoting peace. Her prophetic insight has impacted countless lives and continues to guide communities through challenging times.