Waiting is never easy, especially when it concerns something as precious as having a child. But it was ‘easy’ for the presiding pastors of Christ Reign Apostolic Mission (CRAM), Pastor (Dr.) Olusoji Olanrewaju and his wife, Olubunmi, to wait 12 long years before having their first child: a journey of faith, perseverance, and self-discovery in God.
As a minister of God, Pastor Olanrewaju’s experience was challenging. The weight of his congregation’s expectations and his natural desire for parenthood made the waiting period an actual test of his faith. However, he remained steadfast, drawing strength from his unwavering trust in God’s plan.
“I would be quick to say that it was “so easy” for me to manage the waiting period with the grace and help of God,” Pastor Olanrewaju recounts. “It wasn’t easy, but I knew God was in control. I learnt to be humble and to realise that no one can obtain anything by force unless God gives it.”
“Like many people in that challenging concision, I would have said it was difficult. But with the grace and help of God and my faith that God was in control, which humbled me to realise that no one could obtain anything by force except God gave it, it was so easy for me to manage the waiting period. And thank God for the life and faith of my wife, too; she corporated with me, my faith, and utmostly with God,” Pastor Olanrewaju recounts.
According to Pastor Olanrewaju, the waiting period also taught him the importance of persistence. “I prayed until I received what I desired from God,” he said. The Bible says in John 16:24, ‘ Pray until your Joy is full.’ I held onto that promise, which gave me the strength to keep going.
Another valuable lesson Pastor Olanrewaju learnt during this period was the importance of focus. “While waiting, don’t shift your focus no matter what people say or do,” he advises. “Keep your eyes fixed on God, and trust He will see you through.”
Today, Pastor Olanrewaju’s story serves as a beacon of hope for individuals and couples waiting for the fruits of the womb. His advice is clear: wait patiently, continue to remind God of your desires, and above all, maintain a strong faith.
“Don’t allow evil counsel, depression, or overthinking to consume you,” he cautions. Instead, praise and worship God, and believe wholeheartedly that He will bless you with children. Your own children are on the way.”
As Pastor Olanrewaju’s own child was christened on the very day, marking the twelfth anniversary of their wait, it was a poignant reminder that God’s timing is perfect. His story offers a reassuring message for those still waiting: Your blessing is coming.
Pastor Olanrewaju’s words, “The Lord will hear your cry, and your children will be on the way.”
May his inspiring story encourage and strengthen all those waiting for the joy of parenthood, reminding them that their dreams will ultimately be fulfilled with faith, perseverance, and trust in God’s plan.